I'M BECKY | I'm 33, and I'm married with two children. I have a very dark and inappropriate sense of humour, and very often get the nervous giggles. I'm a massive introvert, and really quite happy in my own company... I think that came along after having children and constantly having a mini version of myself clinging onto my leg. I have an excellent long term memory and will remember all of the random little details you tell me, but I will forget where I've parked my car. I'm a coffee drinker before 5pm, and then happy to drink any form of fizz with a decent percentage. I'm the professional on your wedding day, but then the chances are you'll catch me in Tesco a couple of weeks later debating yoghurts with my two girls.

MY PHOTOGRAPHY STYLE | Is very documentary. I pose a few portraits and I will give a few little prompts during the day, but apart from that, you'll get back what happened, as it happened. I am an observer. I wait for the laughter. I watch conversations, and wait to see who is about to provide a good photography subject. I sink into the background on your wedding day and let everything unfold naturally. The best compliment I can get is when people tell me they forgot I was there!

LOOKING FOR | Couples who aren't afraid to have a laugh at their own expense. That doesn't mean I'm about to embarrass you with weird posing on your wedding day, but I work with motion to capture those funny and expressive shots. Tickle each other, tell jokes, pull faces... I don't believe my work will ever be meant for Vogue... my work is meant to be framed and on your wall for your family to look at for years to come. I want couples in all shapes, sizes, genders... etc... as long as you're willing to laugh, I'm good.

Before enquiring, I'd recommend checking my pricing page, just stops all the awkwardness and ghosting. Photographers are often left on read... I'd also recommend checking out my Insta page (beckygoligy_photographer) as it's a great way to decide whether to book or pass!

If you'd like to speak further, pop me a message using the button below!